Psoriasis is a serious, frequently-recurring, and relapsing skin disease. It is characterized by silvery incrustation in the affected skin areas. The skin of the scalp, back, elbows, and knees are the areas that are usually affected. The lesions appear as circumscribed red patches covered with overlapping, shiny, white scales which are continually cast off.
Statistics indicate that in the United States alone, approximately five million people suffer from psoriasis. Of this estimate, about one-half million are burdened by severe cases. If you are one of those people who are endlessly troubled by psoriasis and are dying to be cured of your malady permanently, you have to first understand the cause of this disease. The cause of psoriasis is not precise. Health records point to heredity as one of probable factors. An excess in the production of cells in the skin's outer nonsensitive layer results to modification in the skin. Under normal conditions, the cells are cast off in about 28 days. In psoriasis, however, cell life is much shorter, being shed in only about 4 days.
Most of the modern treatments developed to fight psoriasis make use of very active chemical agents. The bad news is that these substances restrain new cells from being produced. On the other hand, over-the-counter medications have been proven to be ineffective.
How severe psoriasis can get differs from one person to another. In the young stage of the disease, it may not be possible to determine the degree of severity it can get into. There are instances, for example, in which arthritis may combine with psoriasis, consequently affecting the joints of the spine, fingers, and toes.
A sudden onset of psoriasis may last only for a few moments, although attacks may occur repeatedly at intervals. Regular psoriasis treatment are likewise known to induce only momentary relief. In harsher, pertinacious cases, some skin-care specialists often recommend the application of any of the various adrenal-cortex steroids (specifically, a corticosteroid). But these cogent medications can actually cause serious side effects.
Recent researches have identified a person's lifestyle as a definite factor in the cause of psoriasis. This is the reason why health experts advise on giving serious attention to the promotion of good health and its sustenance. A person suffering from psoriasis must get sufficient rest and have a nutritionally-balanced diet. More importantly, know that the best psoriasis treatment involves only a few simple steps which you can take to stop your psoriasis at its root cause and eliminate it altogether for good.
Do you want to have a life-long freedom from psoriasis and stop it at its root cause fast, once and for all? Discover simple steps to eliminate your psoriasis and regain your health.
Psoriasis Treatment